Saturday, December 17, 2005

The End Times?

Yep. The house flooded. Not even a named storm. Just a bunch of rain. How do you get help (or sympathy) when you can't even name your event? It wasn't Katrina, or Gene or Francis. Just some rain. Maybe I'll name it Sombitch. It is 5:00ish in the AM and the rain keeps on a comin'. The major cause? A bridge over the creek further downstream that runs behind our house. This is not really a bridge. It a a mud/dirt path over the water with a hole under it for some water to run through. It is made of dirt and that is it. It is far too small for the rain water passing through it and has no propper support structure. So, when it rains, it completely backs up. When we checked it at 9:00 last night the water wasn't even flowing through, it made a path around the bridge. All of this is easily preventable, but as usual, everyone just passes the buck and does nothing to solve the problem. The city of Alachua knows about the problem and let it happen. They don't care. Last time we flooded we got a cat. We named him Francis after the hurricane hat ruined our house the first time. We were half expecting him to vanish during this one. No luck. He has slept on our bed and failed to take a peek outside. Our four pet ratties are oblivious as long as they get their three hot meals a day. I expect to get sick like last time. Much of my night was spent in the rain with no coat trying to get the bridge torn down. I've always said I have lots of luck. Lots of bad, and lots of good. This past year and a half has been lots of bad. I directly relate the first flood to me having to quit my job and the weather events in Florida have again been a factor in me going into the X-Mas season with no job and water-front property. It's a very scary time of year for me right now. Maybe this is my fault. I do yell out, "God Damn it!", as my first response to a stubbed toe. Is that blasphemy? Asking God to damn something? There are no curse words in that sentence. It's not like I said, "Jesus H. Christ of Friggin' Rubber Crutches!", though I will when the situation demands. No nuns were injured. The pope still shits in the woods. Life goes on. Words are just words right? Was it the pictures? I swear, Kelly made me do it. My art would be all family Circuis and J.D. Chick tracts if I was left to m own devices. Was it the Clarence Thomas as a ventriloquist dummy? Was it giving Scalia so much grief? Was it the Atheists from Space strip? I just wanted to do something in 3-D. I wanted the brain/eyeball creatures to be god-fearing missionaries out to stop us from doing it doggie style and with people, "happy Holidays". Was it reading The da Vinci Code? I have listened to a lot of Black Sabbath this year. I think I've got a copy of the Necronomicon in the house somewhere. I draw more skeletons than angels. I have more movies about Zombies than the Rapture. I have a black cat. In fact, Karloff is awesome in The Black Cat, even though it has nothing to do with the Poe story. I sleep in on Sundays. I don't think Jesus would be a Republican. Goddamit! More rain!!!!!

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