Thursday, January 19, 2006

More abstract art

Modesty My approach to abstract art is one that involves a bit of geometry and symbology. I would hope my abstracts make the viever feel an intended way. Whether it is energry, anger, motion, sadness... it should have a point. Just a pretty design is not enough. The picture below of the girl is somewhere between an abstract and my usual "cartoony" style. It is representational art broken down to its most basic geometric shapes. I typcally don't get to cubism, but use angles and an approach that should be an agressive line and not usually soft. I'm not one for impressionism or round lines. Angles cause tension and conflict. My abstract work is often black and white and I like zip-a-tones and other tools of cartoonists. In fact, we created an abstract designed cartoon on Is This Tomorrow. It like it quite a bit. The intent was to capture the feeling of motion that Tezuka achieved in his work without drawing like Tezuka. I feel it was successful. It seems to be a fight/flight scene but nothing is representational in the drawings. If you are looking at one of my abstracts, there is something there. You might not see it, but maybe it will affect you subconsciously. At least that is my intention. Oh, and if you would like this design painted on a large canvas because it matches your living room... that is fine as well. Make the check payable to Woody Compton.

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