Wednesday, January 11, 2006

New James Bond?

Jason Statham color Jason Statham should have been the new James Bond. In a way, his character is a 21st century version of Sean Connery's coolness. In The TRansporter and The sequel, Statham's well-kept deameanor and fighting prowess actually make most Bond films look quite lame. Statham has more intensity and screen presence that most actors and his fight moves look greaty on screen in a way that most wetsern actors can't pull off. Van Dame and Seagal look a bit silly after seeing Jackie Chan, Michelle Yeoh, and Jet Li go at it. I know XXX was supposed to be the 21st cenury James Bond, but those films suck. Suck bad. Most american action films get it wrong. Luc Besson and Statham are european, so I won't call this an american film. Luc Besson also produced Wasabi, a great flick with Jean Reno. If we really want a new type of James Bond, he should be a bit meaner, and but rougher. It he is going to be super-suave, Brosnan was doing a fine job with ludicrous scripts and corporate-made direction. The action in Transporter 2 is clearly over the top and influenced by Hing Kong action flicks. The car scenes don't work as well as the hand-to-hand combat work. This Statham handles very well. He appears to have done many of his own stunts. Long shots are used, and you clearly see his face during action scenes. American films edit action scenes to the point of unintelligeability. This was mostly done to hide the stunt actors in the edits. The fight scenes are clearly influenced by Jackie Chan's found objects ending up as weapons. The fight with the firehose is worth a look, even though his female nemisis is disposed of far too quickly once their hand-to-hand begins. Unfortunately, you can't escape bad CGI anymore. When the plane crashes at the end, you are inserted into more lame CGI. Either it needed another few passes in the computer, or maybe they could have used miniatures and actually fooled us. I'd like to see a Transporter 3, but maybe with an asian director and an R rating.

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